Friday, May 21, 2010

Blogit: the online writing marketplace

AUTHERENS 1: PARADISIO CHAPTER 1: Disunited From Creation

"The heavens have been united since forever. The worlds outside them shudder at the thought of ever being loved. Though, love is the source of all energy here in the heavens. We are a part of this love, this God, this source. It will never end. We are most fortunate that we will forever live in God."

This was the founding philosophy or phrases that kept the citizens of heaven alive in God's love. Everyday they were enthused and excited by the greatness and awe of the almighty God. Each day they walked in the gardens with the lord. Appreciating the beauty and consuming the love that it brought to each other. They were innocent beings, shrouded in love for one another; without any judgements of themselves or anyone.

Everything seemed to be perfect and working for them. All was well. Though, grumblings from outside the heavens began to shatter this innocence. These grumblings produced a crack in the walls of heaven, for God wanted innocence to restart another drama of good versus evil, of right versus wrong, of yin versus yang. Heaven thus split itself apart with a "bang"!

Then, Paradisio happened! A part of heaven suddenly found itself disunited from beauty,grace, god, and love. This place resembled heaven in many ways, except one: the people there realized they had separate needs and functioned differently from each other.

Difference created a kingdom close to heaven, but now, not part of it. Yet, Paradisio was still far better than the worlds that were outside of heaven because Paradisio was still under heavenly protection.

In Paradisio, lay the Palace of Emperor Autheraeneus and his consort, Empress Kashwanyy. One day, they found themselves ruling the land without any assistance from God. Before this, they thought they were one with the Lord. Now, they felt like individuals.

Little did they know that they were separated from God. Everywhere in the land people were being disunited from God for the first time. The Emperor tried to decree as if he was God, but nobody listened. They all thought they were God and why should different parts of God be ruled by others?

There, in the midst of the Emperor's presence, lay a man prostrating on the floor. He had just recently received the gift that would continue to unite him with god: humility. He was prostrating before his Emperor and Empress.

In front of him was a very important book. He had this book at the end of outstretched arms that lay in front of his bowed head and body as he lay in front of his Paradision lords.

Both rulers, at this time, were getting used to being King and Queen of all the surveyed. In an instance, the Emperor broke the silence of eternity by saying: "Young man, what is this book, you present before me?"

The man, who laid prostrating before his lord, lying flat like a priest before a bishop on his ordination day, did not answer his master's first question. The Empress, then spoke: "Young man, may I take a look at this book you hold oh so endearing in front of us?

At that, the man leapt and replied: Even though, you two are my sovereigns, but, this book must never be shown to either of you or to anyone lest we want the peace we have to dissipate into thin air. In time, the book will reveal itself. Until then, do not worry my leiges.

As the young man left their presence, the Empress whispered softly to her husband: What a strange man, I sure am curious as to why he wants to hide this book of his. Make a note, my lord, if he does not show the book to me, to have the book brought to me at all costs! I must satisfy this hunger to know more!

"Enough!", the Emperor replied. "Enough! If he says we should not view the book, then so shall it be. I will use all force necessary to hide this book from ever being opened, and you, my dear, will stay obedient and faithful to me and my decrees!

The book was kept well hidden from the Empress or from anyone who was curious. As time passed, the Empress' curiosity grew stronger and stronger. She tried to pray, meditate, and busy herself from indulging in any thoughts of mischief, but her disposition as co-sovereign and the dignity, which that office entailed, could not allow her to swallow her pride for too long. In spite of all this, the Empress managed to maintain an air of obedience and subservience to her lord. Paradisio was to be peaceful for the next billion years or so, for the Empress was so God loving and perfect to disobey her master. Slowly, though, heavenly ways were giving way to earthly ways as eternity ticked on a time-bomb for the first time in creation.