Auteria has many human continents. It is rich with history, diversity, and culture. I will share stories from all over Auteria and its fascinating histories with you as soon as there is some feedback on the page.
BENETO: This is a huge continent. It contains a number of Anglorential (Autherential English) peoples as well as native Malabs in the north. The south is allied with the Sakretskan (Planet of Matersian values) reign. Originally, Auteria was a Matersian planet, but it came to past that the Salaret Isguthariyya, half sister of the Devil's daughter, decided to lease the Planet to the Everlian Kings namely the Mighty Heraldian (Heraldianus Miteas). Bambylaysia is the seat of Auterian Matersia. The powers of Matersia (Materialism) and Everlia (Everlasting) have been at a relative battle since its begining. The continent called Northerento was colored "orange" in the previous section on Terawang. The Izzegrian Isles and Sacrentia to the east are non human habitations. They are homes to wolfmasterines, colvenites, shedmucreans, and of course, Sabre-tooth men. The home of the Salaret is in Southerento. Its northern frontier is shown in the map below. As you can now see the scale of this quarter of Auteria. There are still 3/4 of the planet that to date, has not been shown. N.H.H. means non inhabited human areas. These are again homes to many different supernatural creatures with differing dimensional vibrational levels.